Seminar: Alberto Pardal Padín gives a seminar about the linguistic change and grammatical categories of Ancient Greek on Thursday, 13th June 2024, at 1 pm.
4th EMCC-Dialogues: Emilio Rosamilia discusses his book „La città del silfio: Istituzioni, culti ed economia di Cirene classica ed ellenistica attraverso le fonti epigrafiche“. University of Palermo, 6th June 2024, 5 pm CET. Zoom link for the book presentation: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82288731123?pwd=PccgWkgDa0Bbnii8VUbu2Kw991eavp.1 ID Meeting: 822 8873 1123
EMCC Summer School: The 7th EMCC Summer School takes place in the University of Palermo from 3rd - 7th June 2024
Research project: GROUP MINDS IN ANCIENT NARRATIVE - An innovative research project at the University of Cyprus offers career opportunities
For more information, click here to visit the project’s website.
New EMCC Flyer for Münster
EMCC Summer School: At the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia from 9 to 15 June 2024 will be held the 1st edition of GrEpiSS - Summer School in Greek Epigraphy, organised by Roberta Fabiani (UniRomaTre), Giulio Vallarino (UniRomaTre), Stefania De Vido (UniVenezia) and Luigi Vecchio (UniSalerno)
With its courses, GrEpiSS aims to provide specialised training in the field of Greek epigraphy, particularly that of Magna Graecia, through an approach to the discipline that includes theoretical consolidation and practical exercises. In fact, the Summer School offers frontal lessons on introductory themes of the discipline, also in its digital declinations, and exercises on original documents representative of the documentary typologies attested in the sites of Paestum and Velia. The activities also include guided visits to the archaeological parks and museums of Paestum-Velia and Pontecagnano, in order to place the epigraphic documents in a correct historical and archaeological context. An integral part of the project will be workshop activities to learn graphic and photographic documentation techniques, textual analysis of inscriptions, editorial practices and strategies for the musealisation of epigraphic material. The courses will be held in Italian. Participation in the GrEpiSS is subject to payment of a registration fee of 500€, which includes accomodation in the facilities from 9 to 15 June. Applications must be received by the deadline of 7 May 2024 at 12:00 noon at the following e-mail address: Click here <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KYlygmdA2xK_iWxziJU0aASydVevZZAa/view?usp=drive_link> for the announcement. Click here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z2OMLbqr8FD5ei-Fqr6EtsuAVK5NKeC0/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=106197617252497751278&rtpof=true&sd=true> for the application form.
The newspaper "wissen/leben" of the University of Münster published an article about Daniela Bonanno and her role as Research Alumni Ambassador
(Zemlicka, Tim (2024): wissen/leben. Die Zeitung der Universität Münster. Jg. 18, Nr. 2. S. 11.)
EMCC Student Publication: Teresa Sissy De Blasio, Officina di IG XIV2 – Una probabile defixio su tegola da Taranto
Report: EMCC student Lukas Duisen gives insights into his academic travel experience in January 2024
In January 2024, thanks to a financial grant by the Santander Mobilitätsfonds of the University of
Lecture: Hans Beck on City and Country as Locations of Greek Religion. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Santiago de Compostela. 25 April 2024, 1 pm, Aula 7
International Conference: La normalità dei Lagidi. Un regno come gli altri nella storia del Mediterraneo ellenistico. Bologna, 4–6 April 2024 with a lecture by EMCC Professor Roberta Fabiani on La città di Iasos in Caria e i Tolemei (6 April, 10 am). The program and further information can also be found here.
Conference: Cursus honorum. Hierarchy, Prestige and Auctoritas in the Roman Republic, organized by Francho Pina Polo. Museo Pablo Gargallo, Zaragoza, 14–15 March 2024 with a contribution by EMCC Professor Hans Beck on "Cursus honorum before the cursus honorum" (Session One).
For more information, please consult the conference flyer.
Lecture: Emilio Rosamilia (Perugia) on Fare i conti con i demiurghi (Cirene, IV-II sec. a.C.). Aula M402 Via Santa Sofia at the University of Milan, 13 March 2024, 4.30 pm
EMCC Exchanges: Seminar by Daniela Bonanno on Nemesis come agente di giustizia nel mondo greco. Sala Riunioni at Roma Tre University, 18 March 2024, 5–7 pm
EMCC Student Publication: Alice Giocondo, Ein fragmentarisches Grabepigramm (GVI 1867) aus Werner Peeks Antikensammlung im Archäologischen Museum der Universität Münster
Conference: Divine Laws in the Ancient World. A Comparative Approach. Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 14–15 March 2024
For more information, please consult the program flyer.
Third EMCC-Dialogues: Daniela Bonanno discusses her book Nemesis. University of Cyprus, 28 March 2024, 6 pm EET / 5 pm CET The event takes place in room LRC 014 of the library building at the University of Cyprus and on Zoom.
Sixth Seminar of the project Officina di IG XIV2: Enrica Culasso on Epigrafi greche dalle regiones VIII, IX, XI e dalla provincia Sardinia. Metodologie e casi di studio. Roma Tre University (online), 27 February 2024, 5 pm (CET). The seminar (in Italian) will be held online. The access link can be found here: https://www.officina-igxiv2.org/
Professor Daniela Bonanno (Münster) delivers lecture on religious diversity in the ancient world at the symposium Erinnerung für Frieden. Pluralismus. Offene Gesellschaften – Der Umgang mit religiöser Vielfalt. Münster, 18 February 2024. The event – taking place on the 375th anniversary of the ratification of the Peace of Westphalia – was held under the aegis of Markus Lewe, Mayor of the City of Münster, and Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, Rector of the University of Münster. Prof. Daniela Bonanno (center) with Prof. Peter Funke (left) and Prof. Hans Beck (right).
Impressions from the Hamburg Archaeology Day 2023
The Day of Archaeology took place at the University of Hamburg on 22 November 2023. Colleagues from the university's archaeological departments, from local heritage conservation and from museums in the region presented their current research. The annual event is aimed at the interested public in Hamburg and once again attracted a large audience. Around 120 guests attended the presentations in person or online. Topics ranged from the excavation of Bronze Age burial mounds in Bremen to geoprospections in Lilybaeum in Sicily, archaeometric studies on colours in Miletus and the exploration of a prisoner-of-war camp near Hamburg as part of a citizen science project. The current excavations at Hamburg's main synagogue, which had been destroyed during the pogroms of 1938 and whose reconstruction is currently being debated, attracted particular interest.
Roberta Fabiani: Hybrid Seminar "οὔτε νίφεται τὸ παράπαν οὔτε βρέχεται: Artemis Kindyàs, the great goddess of Bargylia", 12 December 2023, 19:00 EET, Historic Archive of the University of Athens
International Workshop of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics": Belonging and Sacred Places in Antiquity, 11-12 December 2023, University of Münster
Seminars on Antiquity at Roma Tre University, October 2023 - May 2024
Departmental Lecture and Seminars at Roma Tre University: Georgios Paraskeviotis (Thrakia University), 6-9 November 2023
4th EMCC Lecture: Luis Arturo Guichard on Materiality and the study of Greek Literature. Integrating Perspectives. The lecture will take place on 18th January 2024 at 18:00 CET on Zoom.
Lecture by Roberta Fabiani: Von archivalischen Notizen zu öffentlichen Inschriften. Einige Überlegungen zur strukturierenden Kraft von Zahlen in griechischen Inschriften At this year's Deutsche Historikertag, as part of a section on The Greeks and the Power of Numbers (Die Griechen und die Macht der Zahlen), EMCC-Professor Roberta Fabiani will be giving a lecture on "Von archivalischen Notizen zu öffentlichen Inschriften. Einige Überlegungen zur strukturierenden Kraft von Zahlen in griechischen Inschriften." The section takes place on Wednesday, 20th September 2023, from 04:00 - 06:30 pm at Leipzig University, HS19. For further information visit: Section at the Historikertag Colloquium in memory of Leandro Polverini, 22nd September 2023, Roma Tre University
Colloquium: Cirene nell'età di Augusto, 15-16th September 2023, University of Perugia
New Publication
New Publication
Leandro Polverini (1935 - 2023) On April 19, 2023, Leandro Polverini, leading scholar of Roman History and one of the founding fathers of EMCC, passed away at the age of 87. Born in Castelnuovo di Sabbioni (Florence) in 1935 and a graduate from the Catholic University of Milan in 1958 under Albino Garzetti, Leandro Polverini taught at the Universities of Siena (1970-77), Perugia (1977-90), Roma La Sapienza (1990-92) and Roma Tre (1992-2010). Among his main areas of scholarly activity were the Roman History from the republic to the principate and from there to imperial domination, Ancient Historiography, and especially Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century European Historiography on the ancient world. Related to his openness to the European backdrop of classical studies were Polverini’s initiatives for the internationalization of teaching, understood both as a training tool and as an opportunity to foster the entry of young scholars into the world of research. Polverini was among the promoters of the Erasmus network between the universities of Perugia, Freiburg, Münster, Ioannina and Innsbruck, active since 1990, which served as the basis for the broader and indeed bold idea of the European Master in Classical Cultures (EMCC), designed and fine-tuned from 2005 to 2008. Leandro Polverini infused the EMCC his genuine enthusiasm, acumen, culture, politeness, friendliness, and refreshing spirit. The EMCC community remembers Leandro Polverini with dear affection. We mourn his passing.
Lecture: Encounters with the Environment in Ancient Greece: The Kopais Corridor in Boiotia (Hans Beck)
Colloquium: The Role of Rome between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in the Mediterranean Area. Part 2: Different Forms of Urban Competition A colloquium organised by Universität Hamburg and Università degli Studi Roma Tre takes place from 15-17 February 2023 in the Sala del Consiglio, Dipartimento die Studi Umanistici of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre but can also be joined online with the following link: https://tinvurl.com/4k3ucz86.
8th "Advanced Seminar in Greek Epigraphy" The 8th "Advanced Seminar in Greek Epigraphy" will take place from 12 to 14 January at the University of Perugia (EMCC partner).
EMCC Lecture January 26, 2023: Third EMCC Lecture held by Prof. Dr. Ralf von den Hoff.
Epichorios Research Day 2
Herodotic Conference A herodotal conference organised by Mustafa Sayar will be held in Bodrum on 2-4 November.
EMCC Dialogues
New publication Book of Selene Psoma, Corcyra. A City at the Edge of two Greek Worlds, Meletemata 83, 2022.
Conference in honour of Hans-Joachim Gehrke September 9-10, 2022: Conference in honor of Hans-Joachim Gehrke organized by his international students (2000-2020).
2022 Summer School June 21-25, 2022: Save the date for the upcoming EMCC Summer School in Toulouse with a public keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Corinne Bonnet.
May 10, 2022: "Αὐτὰ αὐτάν: an investigation into the bronze tablets from the sanctuary of Demeter in Herakleia (Southern Italy)". A lecture given by Roberta Fabiani in Poznan. Click here for more information.
International Colloquium March 18, 2022: International Colloquium at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
March 1, 2022: The EMCC launches a new series: EMCC Dialogues.
January 20-21, 2022: International Colloquium at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Salamanca. Click here for more information.
January 13, 2022: Second EMCC Lecture held by Prof. Dr. Selene Psoma.
EMCC Lecture January 28, 2021: First EMCC Lecture held by Prof. Dr. Massimo Nafissi.